June 22, 2017

Amplifying Voices: MicCheck! is Back

by Jillian Toda, AMP Member

It’s that time of year again: APANO Arts and Media Project (AMP)’s MicCheck! New to MicCheck!? This annual cultural events series showcases Asian and Pacific Islander (API) artists who break stereotypes, question assumptions about our communities, and shift dominant cultural narratives. MicCheck! events will be held in Portland, OR throughout the summer and early fall, and will highlight a wide range of activities that will bring together community members, API artists, and allies.

MicCheck! amplifies voices of APIs whose stories are often silenced or unheard by engaging in community-relevant topics such as health equity, education, and interracial solidarity. It is especially important for us to stand together and build bridges within today’s political climate, which is why this year’s MicCheck! series includes several great partnerships with different community leaders, groups and organizations supporting artists of color. From a film screening about an American activist hero to an acting workshop for actors of color, there will be something for all creative types in the 2017 lineup.

See the full list of events and descriptions on the MicCheck! page. We hope to see you at one (or all) of these events!

  • American Revolutionary screening - July 25
  • Jade International Night Market performances - August 26
  • TaikoWorks Work-in-Progress Performance by UNIT SOUZOU - August 30
  • the body vigil: a group dance with Marbles Jumbo Radio - September 9
  • Arts & Literary Fest - September 23
  • Acting workshop with Theatre Diaspora - October 16

The APANO Arts and Media Project (AMP) is a group of Asians and Pacific Islanders that identify as artists and creatives and believe that the platform of art and media can be used as tools for social change. By working with community members and APANO’s organizing programs, AMP strives to raise visibility of the issues impacting the community through various creative mediums. MicCheck! is AMP’s signature event series.