The Oregon Heals Coalition is a statewide policy and advocacy coalition led by APANO, Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste (PCUN) and Family Forward Oregon (FFO). We formed this statewide mental health policy and advocacy coalition in 2021, following the beginning of a health-related pandemic that included a mental health crisis felt disproportionately by youth, caregivers, and communities of color. We hope to create and foster community partnerships as we execute our long term vision and goal
The current mental health system is not adequately serving our communities, especially Black, Indigenous, and other people of color who have the least access and often face the most stigma when trying to find care.
We envision a robust mental health system in Oregon that is equitable, affordable, culturally responsive, community centered and community driven. A holistic system where our communities can process our pain, grief, and trauma to build a society that is content and free to live our lives to our fullest capacity.

In order to achieve this vision, we must create equitable solutions alongside the most impacted communities.
This includes, but is not limited to, supporting BIPOC providers and access to non-traditional treatment and care, while ensuring the entire workforce is compensated and resourced at a level that recognizes the critical work they do.
Learn more about the Oregon Heals Coalition and get involved in this critical work below.
Previous Wins & Projects
- Passage of House Bill 2949
- Coalition Testimony
- News Coverage
- Find additional information about HB 2949 here & here
2022 BIPOC Provider Survey
Through this survey, the Mental Health Coalition sought to identify issues, needs, and barriers in the overall mental health traditional and non-traditional workforce that are unique to providers of color. Areas that the coalition sought to learn more about included, but was not limited to: systemic barriers, compensation, barriers to entering the field, opportunities to advance in the field, and other cultural/equity based issues. The survey consisted of 16 total questions, as well as a set of demographic questions at the end of the survey. Oregon Heals compensated respondents $150 for their time, energy and expertise.
Established BIPOC Mental Health Provider Socials
Born from results of the survey and an appreciation dinner for BIPOC mental health providers, the socials serve as a space for BIPOC providers to come together in community.
Oregon Heals Coalition Members
Meet the organizations that make up the Oregon Heals Coalition. Learn more and access resources from our members below.

APANO is one of the longest standing API grassroots advocacy organizations, who work to unite Asians and Pacific Islanders to build power, develop leaders, and advance equity through organizing, advocacy, community development and cultural work.
APANO envisions a just world — a world in which Asians and Pacific Islanders and all communities who share our aspirations and struggles have the power, resources, and voice to determine our own futures.

Family Forward Oregon is a statewide policy and advocacy nonprofit organization working to build an intersectional movement centered on care to fight for economic and reproductive justice for all mamas and caregivers in Oregon.
Paid and unpaid care work (the work that makes all other work possible!) is invisible work done almost entirely by moms, other caregivers, and self-identifying women, and it is disproportionately done by women of color. Despite how critical care work is, from infant care to hospice care and everything in between, almost nothing in the dominant white-supremacist, patriarchal, capitalist culture is designed to value or support caregivers and our families—but we’re determined to change that.
Together, we’re organizing mamas and other caregivers across a range of identities, building community, providing leadership development opportunities, and supporting anti-oppression learning.

Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste (PCUN) is Oregon’s Farmworker Union. PCUN’s mission is to empower farmworkers and working Latinx families in Oregon by building community, increasing Latinx representation in elections, and policy advocacy on both the national and state levels.
PCUN values the ability for workers to take action against exploitation and all of its effects, and continues to build an agenda that strengthens workers rights by creating safer workplaces, advocating for fair wages, and pushing for enough economic security to care for our families. We also value dignity, and respect for all workers, and the “Sí se puede ” spirit of Dolores Huerta, and Cesar Chavez.
PCUN was founded by farmworkers, and today that legacy continues.
The Oregon Heals coalition has the goal of expanding to include additional organizational partners that align with our mission and values, whom are passionate about building a mental health system that is equitable, affordable, culturally-responsive, community-centered and community-driven.
If you are a member or employee of an advocacy organization that might be interested in joining this coalition, please reach out to Miranda miranda@APANO.org.
Email Updates
Interested in becoming a mental health champion? Sign up for our general email list!
We'll send you periodic email updates with volunteer opportunities, information and resource sharing.
BIPOC Mental Health Provider Socials

Meet Michelle Vosika-Cooper
Michelle is a Licensed Professional Counselor currently practicing in Portland, Oregon. Michelle was born and raised in Portland, surrounded by musicians, artists, and gardeners with a great expanse of nature to explore. Michelle has a Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Goddard College, and actively integrates the impacts that racism, colorism, classism, ableism, and other manifestations of systemic oppression in her practice. She is an outspoken advocate about the impacts such systems have on BIPOC providers, including but not limited to: minimizing the presence and power of BIPOC providers in the field, and isolating providers from each other. Michelle approached the Oregon Heals Coalition with the idea to host socials specifically for BIPOC mental health care providers to gather, connect, and experience an understanding and supportive community that is otherwise lacking.
The Oregon Heals Coalition is thrilled to support Michelle in her vision.
These events are the first Friday of every month. Every other month, this event is held at a BIPOC-owned business, with virtual meetings happening in between. We hope to expand these events to additional locations in Oregon, but for now, they are being held in Portland, Oregon.
Learn more about the Oregon Heals Coalition! Download our one pager here in English and Spanish, or view it below.