August 15, 2017

APANO Condemns White Supremacist Violence in Charlottesville

APANO condemns White Supremacist violence that took place in Charlottesville, VA over this past weekend and we express our deepest sympathy to the protesters who fell victim to this act of terror. These acts of White violence have long been supported by our country’s institutions, policies, and leaders. The so-called “rallies” we experienced in Portland on 82nd Ave and downtown over the last few months have links to the same White supremacist, alt-right and neo-nazi networks. The acts and threats of violence must be rejected, and we understand that right now it is especially critical for White and non-Black communities of color to shoulder the efforts of countering the rhetoric and violence in ways we are able.

We also must recognize that it should not have taken what happened at Charlottesville to mobilize the masses - every day, Black, Brown, and Native communities experience the brunt of the violence carried out by White Supremacy. Every time something like Charlottesville takes place, we must remember those whose experiences are normalized or invisibilized: racial profiling, gentrification, zero-tolerance policies, the ‘war on drugs’, deportations, the Dakota Access Pipeline, to name a few. As we continue both processing what is happening and calling for action, let us not forget that White Supremacy is at the foundation of the United States’ formation, and we will not back down as the current administration continues pushing policies aligned with White Supremacist and Nationalist ideology.

APANO envisions a just and equitable world where Asians and Pacific Islanders are fully engaged in the social, economic and political issues that affect us. We act in solidarity with communities who experience oppression and recognize that our liberation is directly linked to theirs. We have a long journey ahead of us, and right now we hold our families, communities, and those attacked close in our hearts. Together, we are louder, stronger, and more powerful.