January 14, 2016

APANO Day of Action, February 15th

Join more than 50 community members on this collective day of action as we advocate for issues important to Asian and Pacific Islanders. We believe that anyone can add their voice to influence policy and gain more knowledge of the political process. Last year, community members made a difference in passing laws to expand voting rights, providing sick time for workers, and improve outcomes for English Language Learners. Be part of a powerful movement to advance racial justice in Oregon!

Register today!

What's happening in 2016? Our state's lawmakers will be meeting for 35 days in February 2016. During this period called the "short session", they will be reviewing and voting on policies that have an impact on our communities. This means members can directly give input, and advocate for issues.

APANO’s priority issues for 2016:

  • minimum wage
  • affordable housing
  • comprehensive health care

The day will entail meeting with legislators, a training to help prepare for meetings, and tour of the capitol building. Lunch will be provided and transportation will be available upon request.

For more information, please contact Kathy Wai, Policy Coordinator at kathy@apano.org