November 7, 2014

APANO Joins #GivingTuesday Movement

Give Action: Make APANO's presence known!

APANO's Legislative Day is Monday, April 13th, 2015. We need volunteers to help our organizers with organizing Listening Circles with Asian and Pacific Islander communities across the state, administrative tasks and energizing the community to show up and take action at the state capital! The day is dedicated to make our communities voices heard and show our power in action to Oregon law makers. We need your help to organize a successful April 13th in 2015, please consider pledging your time to #GiveAction.

Give Power: Register New Americans to Vote!

One the most important rights that an American citizen has is the right to vote! Give power to new American citizens at the Naturalization Ceremonies through the New American Voters Program (NAVP)! We are asking you to give one hour to give power by registering new citizens to vote. You will be participating after the ceremony ensuring convenient registration to those getting naturalized. This one hour commitment is a way to celebrate citizenship and power. #GivePower

Give Place: A Community's Vision Needs Your Support!

APANO and the Jade International District's Steering Committee have asked what the needs of the communities are and a major request was a place for the community to grow, build power and advocate. This Community Space needs your help for renovation. The GivePlace crowdfunding project that asks YOU to support our growing API community by donating funds to ensure the community space can be renovated.

Give Growth: Completing the Harrison Park Community Garden

This last spring, the community broke ground to begin the Harrison Park Community Garden in Southeast Portland. The wealth of plants and herbs have taken root in about 100 raised beds and the we need your help to complete the rest of this 1 city block garden. We need your help to complete the around a ping pong table, which would involve leveling the ground and putting in weed-blocking fabric and woodchips to create an appropriate walking surface. Get ready to get your hands dirt and give growth to the community. #GiveGrowth

Give Vision: Mural Artists, Creatives and Finger Painters, We Need You and Your Supplies!

The APANO youth advocacy groups will be designing a mural in APANO’s new office in the Jade International District! They need your help to guide the design process and supplies to create the indoor mural. If you have enjoy painting, drafting ideas into images, mural painting or even have an ladder that could be lent this would be a fun and creative opportunity to join the #GivingTuesday movement!