December 1, 2017

APANO supports Yes on Healthcare

Healthy, thriving families lead to strong, resilient communities. APANO believes that every Oregonian, regardless of their race/ethnicity, their place of origin, gender identity, or financial resources–deserves the chance to be healthy. That’s why we are asking you to protect healthcare for our families by voting Yes on Measure 101 on January 23rd.

Measure 101 will protect healthcare coverage for one in four Oregonians, including 400,000 children and working families who rely on health insurance to cover basic things like doctor visits, preventative screenings, and medication.

We all deserve to be healthy, and no one’s health should be jeopardized because of their income. It shouldn’t matter whether you work at a family restaurant, a nail salon or a big corporation, you should be able to afford the care that you need. Over the last 10 years, our members have tirelessly advocated to expand healthcare -- to #MendtheGap for our most vulnerable -- so that everyone has a chance to thrive. If Measure 101 doesn’t pass, years of progress will be swept away, and in the end vulnerable Oregonians will be hurt the most.

APANO is proud to join over 100 different groups endorsing Measure 101. With less than 65 days and counting to election day on January 23rd, we are quickly mobilizing our members and volunteers to take action with us. Whether you are a student, a healthcare professional, a caretaker, or a community member who cares about protecting healthcare, we all have a role in making Oregon a better, healthier place for our families and communities of color.

Here’s how you can take action:

  • Share your story of why healthcare is important to you
  • Help us get out the vote by contacting API voters through our multilingual phone banks. Sign up Here

Some important dates to remember:

  • December 27-29th: Voter pamphlet statement mailed to homes
  • January 2nd: Last day to register to vote to participate in the January elections
  • January 3-9th: Ballots mailed to homes
  • January 11th: APANO hosts a Measure 101 Ballot Party
  • January 15th - 23rd: APANO is hosting phonebanks every night to reach API voters (Join us!)
  • January 17th: Last day to send your ballot in by mail
  • January 23rd: Last day to get your filled out ballot to a ballot box

Why is Measure 101 important to our API communities? Our members talk about the importance of accessible and affordable healthcare:

Can't make it and want to support our work? Donate to make sure we can continue fighting for an Oregon where all communities can thrive.