June 20, 2014

APIs and the Oregon Driver's Card (RP 301)

APANO supports the advancement of policies that support the rights, recognition, and resources that our families need to thrive, in all the ways that we are family.

Approximately 1.3 to 1.5 million of the estimated 11 million undocumented people in the United States have their origins in Asian and Pacific Island countries, with an estimated 20,000 undocumented Asians and Pacific Islanders in Oregon. Passing RP 301 will allow parents to take their children to school, to go to work and their places of worship, and to be active and safer members in our communities.

APANO is working with Oregon Voice, the New American Voters Project, and the Safe Roads campaign to increase voter registration, voter turnout, and community-wide education on the human right to migration and against discrimination in any form. Our Board and Staff endorsed the Safe Roads Campaign in December 2013.

Please contact us if you would like to host an information session on API Migration history in Oregon, register voters, and sign an individual or organizational pledge to endorse the driver's card for undocumented immigrants and all our supporters!

Click here to endorse RP 301, the Oregon Driver's Card!


Since 2008, APANO and other partners including Causa have been involved in the struggle to keep our roads safe by restoring Oregon’s driver licenses to all residents regardless of immigration status. Five years later, legislators passed SB33 with bipartisan support. On May 1st, 2013, Governor Kitzhaber signed SB 833 into law in front of thousands of supporters at the Capitol. SB 833, Oregon’s Safe Roads Act, viewed widely as a common sense, public safety measure, is designed to improve traffic safety and reduce the number of unlicensed and uninsured motorists on the roads by requiring the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue a limited purpose and limited duration driver’s card.

Facts about the Oregon Driver's Card

  • Oregon would become the 8th state to adopt a temporary driver’s privilege card – joining Washington, Utah, New Mexico, California, Connecticut, Colorado and Illinois
  • In the four states that issue driver licenses to drivers regardless of status, rates of uninsured driving and hit-and-run accidents have fallen dramatically.
  • The Driver Card is only for the purpose of driving. It cannot be used as identification to board a plane, buy a gun, enter a federal building, vote or obtain other state or federal benefits.
  • Driver Card applicants will be required to pass the written and skills test administered by the DMV.
  • The Driver Card will look similar to the existing Oregon Driver’s License currently in use in Oregon.
  • Driver Card applicants will be photographed and an image of the applicant’s face entered into the state’s facial recognition database, which is key factor in preventing fraud.
  • Just like any other Oregon licensed driver, Oregon Driver Card applicants must prove identity and obtain auto insurance to drive.
  • The Oregon Driver Card is valid for four years.
  • The Oregon Driver Card cannot be used as a Commercial Driver License (CDL) but would allow for the operation of most farm and agricultural vehicles.

Click here to endorse RP 301, the Oregon Driver's Card!