December 14, 2016

Apply for APANO's 2017 Organizing Fellowship Program

“The night of the election, I stayed up to watch the results. And after hearing all the things that were being said, it reminded me why the work we do is so important, and more necessary than ever. Communities that have been targeted need to come together and organize and build solidarity with one another. We need to understand what our role is in this movement, what are the roles of allies, and what are OUR roles as allies. We need to check ourselves to make sure we aren’t complicit in a system that targets black, Muslim, LGBTQ, Latin@s, women, and other marginalized communities.”

-ALLY Youth Organizers Jessica Yu, Franklin High School and Karina Autar, Benson High School

The demographics of our country are changing, the way we communicate is changing, the way we think is changing, and the way we organize is also changing. And right now, what we do in these next few years will have very real implications for decades. Not only is this an opportunity to organize, but we’re also living in a time that will require us to really be creative with our organizing, and re-envision what it can look like. Organizing that’s intersectional, organizing that’s local, national, and global.

That's why APANO is launching our first-ever Organizing Fellowship program in 2017! This program aims to develop and deepen the analysis of participants to organize with API communities in Portland,OR. This 6 month PAID program will meet twice a month in the evening for the first 3 months, and 3 days a month for the last 3 months. The program launches on February 23, 2017, and runs until late August 2017.

Click here to fill out the application

Applications due January 31, 2017. The fellowship program will be accepting 5 applicants. For questions, please contact