July 10, 2015

Apply to Join APANO's Statewide Network!


Apply now to be part of our Statewide Network- Click Here!

Application form also available here.

The APANO Statewide Network organizes and supports the development of Asian and Pacific Islander community organizations in Oregon to achieve social justice. We recognize that when working together, we can form meaningful partnerships to address the needs of our diverse communities. As Oregon’s oldest and largest Asian and Pacific Islander organizing and advocacy group, the APANO Statewide Network ensures that the leaders and voices are deeply involved in our efforts.

The purpose of the network is to create a regular forum for understanding community needs, increasing cooperation, and building collective power to improve the lives of Asian & Pacific Islanders in Oregon. The network is also an infrastructure for providing leadership training, raising financial resources to support local organizing, and building a movement for our communities. The Statewide Network is a part of APANO’s Civic Engagement Program.

Benefits of becoming a member of APANO’s Statewide Network:

  • Collective relationship building with Asian & Pacific Islander leaders, electeds, funders and policy makers
  • Priority access to leadership development statewide and local trainings
  • Opportunities to engage in advocacy campaigns
  • Access to statewide partner to help increase visibility of local action and issues
  • Affiliation with statewide and national networks to leverage for local and regional funding support
  • Priority for re-granting and partnership funding opportunities

To learn more about becoming a member of APANO’s Statewide Network, please contact Kathy Wai, Policy Advocacy Coordinator 971-340-4861x or email kathy@apano.org.

2015-2016 Focus Areas

Partners will engage in meaningful opportunities that will help their analysis of community needs in their region, and participate in local and statewide civic engagement activities. Throughout the year, we will partner up with organizations to collaborate in these areas:

Civic Engagement for the 2016 Elections
– Organizing effective voter registration and education activities. Creating messaging that will turnout and engage API voters.

Oregon Asian Pacific Islander Demographic Report
– Review the data and help shape the analysis – how can we use data to advocate for policy changes in locally and statewide? Report is produced by national group, Asian Americans Advancing Justice.

Organizational Capacity
– Explore collaborative fundraising, grant opportunities, and leadership development in your organizations.

Key 2015-2016 Dates

Members of the Statewide Network have all travel and meal expenses covered for the following opportunities:

  • Statewide Network Meeting – Sept 26th, 2015 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM in Portland OR
  • Oregon Asian Pacific Islander Demographic Release – Oct 14, 2015
  • Statewide Network Meeting – Jan 9th, 2016 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
  • APANO Legislative Day – Feb 15, 2016 in Salem, OR
  • Candidate Forums – April/May, 2016
  • Statewide Network Meeting – June 4th, 2016 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM