March 30, 2016

April 2nd API Health Justice Forum Agenda and Workshops

Check out our Program and register for the Asian & Pacific Islander Health Justice Forum! This Saturday, April 2nd at the Collaborative Life Sciences Building (OHSU). Attendees can register on the day of. For accommodations or questions, contact or

Join us for a day-long gathering with health equity advocates, local health authorities, organizers, students, and members of the community to discuss health equity, what it means to build healthy, resilient communities, while addressing barriers. Special focus on issues facing immigrants from the Republic of Palau, Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Federated States of Micronesia. These are three nations in the Pacific Islands that have an unique treaty with the United States known as the Compact of Free Association (COFA).

9:00-10:00am - Registration & Breakfast

10:00-10:15am - Opening Remarks

    Opening (CANN & APANO Board)Community Performance

10:15-11:00am - Presentation

    COFA Territories an Island History (Bennie Moses, Eastern Oregon University)

11:15-12:30 - Morning Workshops

    Click here for complete workshops descriptions

12:30-2:00pm - Lunch

    Keynote Speaker: Dina Shek (Medical Legal Partnership, Hawaii)
    Healthcare for COFA (HB 4071) Presentation (Department of Consumer and Business Services & CANN)

2:00-3:15pm - Afternoon Workshops

    Repeated from the morning
    (For complete workshops descriptions see here)

3:30-4:00pm - Closing Remarks

    Taking Action for Health Justice Closing (APANO & CANN)

See you Saturday, April 2nd! Remember to register to save a spot.