January 5, 2014

Basic Health Partner Forum Jan 27


Pacific Islanders and new immigrants face some of the highest poverty in Oregon. Access to affordable health care is a key policy goal for APANO to improve health and provide economic security for our families. APANO is co-convening a new campaign led by the Coalition for Inclusion, Affordability and Innovation. We invite members and partners to a special forum on exploring policies to increase access to health care for low-income, immigrant and refugees in Oregon.

Basic Health Partner Forum
Monday, January 27th, 2014
6:00-8:00 PM
Asian Health & Service Center 3430 SE Powell, Portland OR (Free parking lot)

RSVP online or by contacting joseph@apano.org or 971-340-4861 by January 23rd

Oregon's efforts to extend health coverage to all, particularly to low-income, immigrant and refugee Oregonians, could improve with the establishment of a Basic Health Program ("Basic Health"). A Basic Health Program offers the prospect of more affordable coverage for

  • Working poor, (up to twice the Federal Poverty Line, or about $23,000 a year for a single person, $47,000 for a family of 4);

  • Legal Permanent Residents who currently face the 5 year bar to federal benefits;

  • Pacific Islanders residing under the Compact of Free Association (COFA) and international agreement with Palua, Marshall Islands and Federated States of Micronesia.

A core group of advocates have been researching and developing a campaign for Basic Health as a policy for Oregon. We invite partners to a special forum to learn more about Basic Health. Our goal is to increase knowledge and broaden support for Basic Health in Oregon. Join us.

For more information visit APANO's Basic Health for Oregon campaign webpage.


RSVP online or by contacting joseph@apano.org or 971-340-4861 by January 23rd