April 7, 2017

Best Wishes, Karn!

Dear Friends and Comrades,

I wanted to personally share the news with you that I am transitioning out of APANO this Spring. I will be taking on a new opportunity as National Organizing Director for NAKASEC. I did some of my first organizing with a NAKASEC chapter in Chicago years ago.

I would like to thank APANO for giving me the opportunity to work with an organization that is dedicated to building organizers in Oregon, and allowing me the space to do organizing that's been powerful and fulfilling. I'm grateful to have been able to organize in Portland, and learn from the staff and people in the community. I'm glad to have you be a part of my community and hope we continue to build together.

I would also like to give special thanks to our APANO members, from our middle schoolers to our API elders, and a special shout-out to our youth members, who were the catalyst for what our organizing program is today. Our members have served as my inspiration and teachers over my time at APANO, and I'm proud of the work we've done together. Y'all were always my favorite part of the job.

I'm also excited to support the work that APANO's organizing program will be doing with ALLY (which is being led by Yian, who you can reach at yian@apano.org), our Pacific Islander youth group (which is being led by Justin at justin@apano.org), our Chinese adult organizing program (which is being led by Wanna at wanna@apano.org), and our college organizing group C2C (which is being led by Kevin at kevinhenderson7951@gmail.com and Thanh at lethanhdohuu_95@yahoo.com). If you're interested in learning more or getting involved in any of these groups, please reach out to these folks!

I will continue to be supporting APANO (and hope you do too), and am looking forward to what happens next with the organization. Stay in touch! You can hit me up on my phone, or reach me at my personal email at karnsaetang@gmail.com. Thanks!

Karn Saetang