February 19, 2015

COFA Fact Sheet

APANO has researched and produced a fact sheet on communities in Oregon who are affected by the Compact of Free Association (COFA).

Citizens of the Republic of Palau, Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of the Marshall Islands have a unique immigration relationship with the United States through the Compact of Free Association. In conjunction with our community partners, APANO has published a 4 page fact sheet that provides policy makers, advocates and the media important background and issues that impact this growing community in Oregon.

Key Highlights:

  • Census estimate of 3,000 COFA citizens in Oregon
  • One of the fastest growing communities in the USA
  • Face long-term impacts of over 67 nuclear and atomic bomb testings, the magnitude of which equates to 7,200 Hiroshima detonations
  • Significant barriers to basic health services due to federal exclusions

Click here for the APANO COFA Fact Sheet (2015).

For more information, please contact: kristina@apano.org 971-340-4861

Get involved: Join APANO’s Lobby Day April 13th at the Oregon Capitol