April 24, 2020

Get Out the Vote — Without Getting out of the House!

Over the weekend conservative activists tried to force Oregon’s return to “normal” and exploit the current crisis to continue to harm and marginalize our most vulnerable community members and frontline workers. Our current crisis brings mainstream attention to the existing inequities that we have always known.

COVID-19 has exposed how our “normal” economy and government were failing us long before this pandemic hit. Our current system allows for power to be concentrated in the hands of a few self-interested actors who exploit our community, drive up rents, and pollute our communities.

We cannot go back to the way things were nor should we.

We have an opportunity this May 19th election to harness our community power and change these systems by electing champions, like Nafisa Fai, Wlsnvey Campos, Khanh Pham, Carmen Rubio and other APANO-endorsed candidates who are for and from the community, who we have always trusted to bring about change and who will work with us to build an Oregon in which we can all thrive. (Learn more about all of our endorsed candidates with our May 2020 Voter Guide.)

We need your help to do that. Volunteer with us this election by spreading the word about our candidates. Make a difference in the 2020 election from your home by phone banking and text banking with us at these events:

  • Every Wednesday and Sunday until the election, phonebank for Khanh Pham starting at 5:30. Sign up here.
  • April 27 and 28 phonebank for Nafisa Fai’s campaign at 5:30-8pm. Sign up here for April 27 and 28.
  • April 30 and May 7 phonebank for Wlnsvey Campos 5:30-8pm. Sign up for the April 30 and May 7 event here.
  • May 5 phonebank for Mike Schmidt at 5:30pm-8pm. Sign up for the May 5 event here.
  • May 11 phonebank for Commissioner Chloe Eudaly at 3pm-8pm drop in sessions. Sign up for the May 11th event here.
  • May 14 phonebank for Carmen Rubio at 5:30pm-8pm. Sign up for the May 14 event here.
  • May 15 phonebank for Jamie McLeod Skinner at 5:30pm-8pm. Sign up for the May 15 event here.

Even when we are physically apart, we can come together as a community to build political power and make our voices heard. In fact, it is more important than ever that we do.