May 18, 2013

Immigration (CIR) Update from Washington DC

APANO is a local partner of the National Asian American Justice Center, which is taking the lead on Comprehensive Immigration Reform representing the voice and concern of our communities. One of the biggest issues is advocating for family reunification and ensuring that immigrants receive equal opportunity to succeed in American and not be denied basic services. Read this update from AAJC -- and contact our office if you're interested in getting more involved.

- Joseph Santos-Lyons



The Senate Judiciary Committee has completed two full days of mark-up on the Senate immigration bill (S. 744). Day one (05/09) focused on amendments related to Border Security, and day two (5/14) focused on amendments related to temporary workers. Tomorrow is day three of mark-up, and committee members will begin to review amendments related to E-Verify and other provisions.

It is anticipated that the committee will begin debate on family related amendments next Tuesday, May 21. Senator Hirono (D-HI) will introduce several family immigration amendments that are vital to improving and preserving our family immigration system.

Remember to Call Senate Judiciary Committee Members

If you have not called Senate Judiciary Committee members to tell them to support Senator Hirono’s amendments, please do so. A list of committee members, their DC office numbers and a sample script can be found on the Reuniting Families website. Please take a few minutes out of your day to make calls and have your voice heard!Make some calls over coffee in the morning.

Sign-on Letter in Support of Hirono Amendments

Because mark-up on the family amendments is happening later than anticipated, it’s not too late to add your organization to a letter addressed to Senate Judiciary Committee members asking for their support of Senator Hirono’s family immigration amendments. The letter can be viewed and a sign-on added here.

You can watch mark-up live and find more information on amendments here.


Democrats Seek to Ease Asian American Concerns Over Family Visa Changes, The Hill, 05/13/13

This article highlights some of the responses coming from Democratic members of Congress to Asian American advocate groups’ concerns about the changes to the family immigration system. It is proof positive that the effort of so many groups to uplift our community’s voice on family immigration is having an impact. But as the article asserts, our work is far from over.

Mother’s Day is All About Families, Huffington Post, May 12, 2013

A blog by AAJC’s president and executive director Mee Moua reflecting on the meaning of Mother’s Day and reminding Congress to of their responsibility to honor all American families.