February 18, 2013

Interpreting for Social Justice Training

Interpreting for Social Justice Training
Join APANO’s Bilingual Organizing Team
Training Dates: March 12th and March 16th, 2013

APANO seeks to fully engage Asian and Pacific Islander communities the social, political and economic issues that affect us and is seeking applications for individuals interested in joining APANO’s Bilingual Organizing Team to advance civic engagement and racial equity.

Accepted participants are required to attend the Interpreting for Social Justice Training, to gain technical skills for simultaneous and consecutive interpretation and learn the principles for creating inclusive multilingual spaces that advance social justice. This interpretation training is grounded in equity and inclusion for community organizing and policy advocacy in an Asian and Pacific Islander context.

The workshop includes:
-Skill Building
-Ethical Issues and the Interpreter Role
-Equalizing Power with Language
-Creating a Multilingual Inclusive Space

What are the qualifications?
Qualifications include fluency in more than one Asian or Pacific Islander language including English, a demonstrated commitment to community leadership, basic leadership skills, and the capacity to meet bi-monthly as a team for one year. Team members are eligible for paid independent contract work as an interpreter/translator on a project specific basis.

What are the details?
The program includes an evening training and dinner from 6-9pm on Tuesday March 12th and a day-long training from 9am to 5pm on Saturday March 16th including lunch. Accepted applicants are eligible for a $150 stipend in return for 15 hours of community service with APANO’s policy advocacy and civic engagement campaigns.

What are the next steps?
After submitting a completed application, we will call you for a follow-up conversation.

The Facilitator:
Diana Pei Wu is the Communications & Training Director with The Ruckus Society and has served as a multilingual organizer and trainer in the migrant rights movement since 2007. She holds a PhD in Environmental Science, Policy & Management; and has a long history of organizing and activism in the movements for international human rights, housing, gentrification, immigrant rights, youth organizing, labor, LGBTQ rights, environmental justice and climate justice.

Application and Deadline:
Click here to complete the online application
We will begin confirming applications February 18th, 2013 at 5:00 PM