October 17, 2014

Interview with Strong Families Work Group Co-Chairs

2014-09-23 17.16.28

Marilou Carrera and Kara Carmosino are the Strong Families work group co-chairs and they have been leading the group at APANO for the past year. They have been instrumental in facilitating and creating the space at APANO to integrate a gender justice and reproductive justice lens to the organization. As a newer group within APANO's committees, they have spent the past year organizing the API community through educational workshops, policy advocacy, and participating in the We Are BRAVE coalition (Building Reproductive Autonomy and Voices for Equity) on behalf of APANO.

This year, the Dis/orient/ed Comedy show will be recognizing the Strong Families work group and the work that APANO is invested in within the reproductive justice movement. Listen to this interview of Marilou and Kara as they talk about the work group, their experiences as co-chairs, and what they hope to work towards in the near future.

The Strong Families work group will be launching a website in December, to highlight the story collection project they are currently working on. To receive notification about when the site will launch please fill out the sign up form here.