October 9, 2014

Join APANO #Team100


APANO is working hard to ensure our communities are fully engaged in the democratic process. This is an election where 2 in 3 voters are likely to stay home. With your help, we will change that. Serious equity & human rights issue are at stake.

We know that our families are better off when we are “at the decision-making table”, organized and respected, instead of “on the menu”, divided and ignored. I am writing to ask you to join APANO’s #Team100 this month, to be a part of our voter mobilization efforts. We are asking every APANO supporter if they will donate 3 hours of their time to raise awareness about the Nov 4 Election. Will you join #Team100 and help us contribute over 300 hours to educating our communities?

Yes! Sign me up (click here) or contact paolo@apano.org / 971-340-4861

Upcoming opportunities:


  • Phone Banking Oct 28, Oct 29, Oct 30, Nov 2, Nov 3

  • Doorknocking “Trick or Vote” Oct 31

  • Volunteer recruitment & office support anytime

Look for APANO’s Multilingual Voter Guides online next week. Our volunteers and staff are available to meet with any Asian and Pacific Islander group or event to help energize our collective get out the vote. We hope you’ll say yes to supporting our collective efforts. We welcome members, friends, allies and newcomers, and will have training and food for all.

We are #Team100.


Rev. Joseph Santos-Lyons
Executive Director