December 19, 2019

Join us for APANO's 2020 Advocacy Summit!

APANO will be hosting its first-ever Advocacy Summit on January 11, 2020. We invite Asian and Pacific Islander-identifying community members from around the state to share their stories so we can build a broad collective vision for APANO’s policy and political advocacy over the next two years.

APANO is continuing to build our civic engagement and political programs and with the Advocacy Summit, we are trying a new approach to build an overarching vision for APANO’s advocacy priorities. We will strive to create a welcoming community-building space for Asian and Pacific Islander communities to share their stories, ideas, and as always, food.

As part of our effort to center community in APANO’s work, we are developing a process where communities we serve directly inform, and build capacity to lead, APANO’s advocacy work. By sharing our experiences and stories, we can begin to identify shared themes, priorities, and solutions.

For API community members who are new to APANO, this is the ideal opportunity to begin engaging with APANO and making your voice heard to directly inform our work. Attendees will also have the opportunity to learn more about how to engage in the coming legislative session, elections, and APANO committees.

Our communities are growing and we are building our collective power in Oregon. We hope to create a space for deep conversation, relationship building, and identifying community needs and priorities to shape a vision for our families and communities to prosper. It’s time to activate. 2020 is shaping up to be a historic year, and we hope you will be a part of that story!

2020 Advocacy Summit

When: Saturday, January 11, 9:00AM - 4:30PM

Where: APANO Community Space, 8118 SE Division St., Portland

A light breakfast and lunch will be provided; childcare and interpretation available upon registration.

Register here

*This space is for Asian and Pacific Islander-identifying community members.

This programming message brought to you by APANO Communities United Fund, a 501(c3) non-profit organization.