June 3, 2015

OHEA Lobby Day 2015

​APANO is a proud member and Co-Chair of the Oregon Health Equity Alliance (OHEA), and alongside leaders from the 41 member organizations we held a successful OHEA Lobby Day on May 28th, 2015. OHEA is led by communities of color, with a core value that communities who experience with health disparities shall hold leadership roles to achieve health equity. Together, we seek to remove barriers to health equity through public policy.

Our lobby day featured training around the OHEA Legislative Agenda, including APANO's Basic Health legislation that would increase access to health care for low-wage workers and immigrants who face barriers to medicaid. We talked with dozens of legislators and their staff about strategies for improving the well-being of our communities and strengthening the social determinants of health.

Several of our champions including ​Governor Kate ​Brown, Speaker Tina​ Kotek, and Representatives ​Alissa ​Keny-Guyer and ​Lew ​Frederick visited our group in person.

​If you are interested in APANO's Health Equity advocacy work, please contact kathy@apano.org.​