April 21, 2015

Oregon House Advances Historic ELL Legislation

For more information contact:Rev. Joseph Santos-Lyons joseph@apano.org 503-512-0490

Salem, OR - Last Friday the House Education Committee passed historic legislation to address the needs of Oregon’s 57,000 English Language Learners (ELLs). House Bill 3499 increases the urgency, focus and support for ELL students in Oregon’s 106 public schools districts. The bill also includes $12.5 million to support school district improvements.

This legislation comes at a critical time as ELL students have grown 120 percent in the last decade. Though many of our K-12 schools offer high-quality English language development programs, challenges remain. It is our belief that this legislation will help school districts give all our kids a brighter academic future.

A diverse set of stakeholders, including the Oregon Alliance for Education Equity, Oregon Education Association and many others, have joined together in support of HB 3499. HB 3499 heads to the Ways & Means Education Sub-committee with bipartisan support.

​Adelante Mujeres

American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon

Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon (APANO)

Center for Intercultural Organizing

Centro Cultural of Washington County

Chalkboard Project

Coalition of Communities of Color

Confederation of Oregon School Administrators

The Education Trust

Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization

Latino Network

NAACP of Eugene/Lane County

NAACP of Salem-Kezer

NW Health Foundation

Oregon Education Association

Oregon School Boards Association

Portland Teachers Program


Salem Keizer Coalition for Equality

Stand for Children Oregon