October 2, 2015

Our Families, Our Health: Community Town Halls

Healthy, thriving families lead to strong, resilient communities. When we are healthy, we are more likely to live fulfilling lives and contribute to a vibrant and productive Oregon. Healthcare continues to be a challenge for many. Despite real progress to cover working families, over 383,000 Oregonians remain uninsured. These are disproportionately people of color including Pacific Islanders, rural Oregonians, immigrants, refugees, and LGBTQ individuals.

  • Have you experienced barriers to healthcare?
  • Are you or someone you know currently uninsured?

Help us reach our goal of 500 pledges from now until January 2016!

Take the pledge for “Our Families, Our Health!”

APANO and our health equity partners continue to fight for our families have the rights, resources and recognition we need to thrive. We are launching “Our Families, Our Health” to hear from members around the state, and better understand their barriers to healthcare. APANO aims to secure full coverage for all Oregonians, regardless of citizenship status, where they live, who they are, or how much money they make, to affordable, culturally competent health insurance.

Join us at one of our Town Halls and learn more about APANO’s Our Families, Our Health Campaign!

Portland: Tuesday, November 10th 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Asian Health and Service Center

Eugene: Thursday, November 12th 6:00 - 8:00 PM
University of Oregon, HEDCO Education Building, Room 142

Salem: Tuesday, November 17th 6:00 - 8:00 PM
AFSCME Union Hall

RSVP required, dinner provided, free to attend. For childcare or other accessibility needs, please contact kathy@apano.org by Oct. 20th.