February 5, 2016

Our Families Our Health Legislation Moves Forward

The first week of the state legislative “short session” wrapped up today, and we have movement on our top policy issues.

Our Families Our Health
Our top two issues moved forward in the process, and we’re gearing up for our big Day of Action Monday February 15th.

  • COFA Healthcare Program (HB 4071) passed the House Healthcare Committee unanimously 9-0 and heads to Ways & Means. Media: Oregon Momentum for COFA Healthcare
  • Basic Health “Blueprint” (HB 4017) had a public hearing and heads to a House Healthcare Committee vote on Mon Feb 8 1pm. A dozen partners submitted letters of support!


Immigrants & Refugees Meet Govenor
Dozens of community members organized by Som Subedi from the Bhutanese community shared their stories and discussed issues with Governor Kate Brown, including our Policy Advocacy Coordinator Kathy Wai. Media: Oregon’s First Syrian Refugees Meets with Kate Brown

50+ Trained & Ready for Day of Action
APANO Legislative Trainings in Salem, Portland and upcoming in Corvallis are preparing our members for the Monday February 15th Day of Action at the Oregon Capitol. Want to learn more and join us? Register here or contact kathy@apano.org


3 Highlights on Coalition/Alliance Issues:

  • IZ: Inclusionary Housing (OPAL EJ Oregon) - SB 1533 is scheduled for a hearing on Mon Feb 8. IZ (Inclusionary Zoning) provides tools for local towns and cities to require affordable housing as part of new developments. Media: Builders Weigh Lifting Opposition

  • End Profiling (CIO) - HB 4003 is expected to be the first bill to pass off the house floor. The legislation will extend the Attorney General workgroup charged with creating a comprehensive system to address police profiling—including data collection, independent oversight and accountability.

  • Raise the Wage (Fair Shot for All) - SB 1532 to raise the minimum wage is still being worked in the Senate, and behind the scenes with the Governor, Community and Business interests.