January 2, 2015

Save the Date: Jan. 31st for PISA Forum 2015

Announcing the Pacific Islander Student Alliance (PISA) Forum 2015 and calling all Pacific Islander Students from across Oregon to come together in community in Portland. We’re reaching out to current PISA members and new students interested in building power and social justice for Pacific Islander communities to attend the PISA Forum 2015. We envision a day of networking, potluck lunch, and an educational Pacific Islander Cultural Workshop with Dr. Lani Teves, Assistant Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of Oregon. We are also excited to announce that PISA co-founder and organizer Makerusa Porotesano will also be making a guest appearance, visiting from Hawai’i.

PISA Forum 2015
Saturday January 31st, 2015
10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Native American Student and Community Center
Portland State University

Donation: Sliding Scale $5-$20 plus bring a side dish for the potluck
All are welcome, RSVP required, no one will be turned away due to lack of funds
RSVP Online by January 15th, 2015 or email NWPISA@gmail.com

Facilitators: Fipe Havea & Faith Kebekol
Planning Team: Bennie Moses, Virginia Luka, Kanani Martinez, Kathleen Jonathan, Joseph Santos-Lyons

Workshop with Dr. Lani Teves: This workshop provides an introduction to Pacific Islander theorists, artists, and activists who provide strategies for Pacific Islanders in the diaspora to rethink our connections to Oceania, Turtle Island, and each other. With a focus on decolonization, we will discuss the impact of colonialism in Pacific Islander communities, the ongoing role of the US military, and the cultural exploitation of Pacific Island cultures

The Pacific Islander Student Alliance (PISA) mission is to empower Pacific Islander students by connecting every Pacific Islander student group in the Pacific Northwest. We look to push the mission of our students’ groups to become more socially aware and active towards the issues that affect our people and move into a new generation as Pacific Islander youth. PISA seeks to improve the quality of life for Pacific Islanders in and out of school at every educational level. Now is the time and PISA is the place for a better life for all Pacific Islander students. PISA holds monthly meetings as well as a yearly summit with workshops designed to strengthen the Pacific Islanders themselves as well as giving them skills to maintain successful Pacific Islander groups at their home schools.

PISA started in 2007. PISA was formed out of Portland State University when student leaders looked to improve relationships and representation of other Pacific Islander Student Groups. In short time PSU connected with Oregon State’s Polynesian Cultural Club and representatives from the University of Portland.

Co-Sponsored by the Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon (APANO).

RSVP Online by January 15th, 2015 or email fhavea503@gmail.com.