November 25, 2015

Serving on the APANO Board of Directors - application deadline January 15, 2016

Each year, APANO’s Nominating Committee outreaches to the APANO Membership to recruit new Board Members. Members who have pledged their support and commitment to APANO’s Mission are eligible to be nominated. New Board Members are scheduled to be elected at our June 11, 2015 Board Meeting.

Would you be interested in serving on the APANO Board?

APANO Board members provide the strategic leadership, governance and oversight for APANO, a 501c3 not-for-profit organization. The primary purpose of the Board is to ensure APANO carries out the strategic plan, crafts policies in support of our goals, employment of the Executive Director, and approves the annual budget and monitors the financial health of the organization. Day to day management and operations are led by our Executive Director Rev. Joseph Santos-Lyons.

The Board Term is for 3 years, with 4 half-day weekend meetings each year, a full-day weekend retreat, and special conference call meetings as needed. Board Members are not compensated, however all travel and meal expenses are covered. Board service includes opportunities for public speaking, representing APANO at local and national events, and leadership training.

If you are interested, we invite you to complete a brief application, and contact Executive Director Rev. Joseph Santos-Lyons for more information. Applicants will be reviewed by the Board Development and Nominating Committee, and interviews will be set up for selected candidates.

Click here for APANO Board Application due January 15, 2016.