January 28, 2021

Shape APANO’s new distributed leadership position

Since August 2020, APANO’s staff and boards have been involved in a reflective, exploratory process to determine our organization’s leadership needs at this time. Our previous executive director stepped down in July 2020 after serving two years as a transitional leader. With guidance from an Interim Executive Director and Interim Human Resources Director, we have taken time to deeply reflect on the leadership model that will best serve us in this next phase of our work and development.

Over the years, APANO has grown and matured greatly as an organization. We’ve been led by different types of leaders who have brought vision and helped build our systems and infrastructure. As we’ve reflected on the moment we are in, and on our organization’s mission, vision, and values, we collectively decided that a distributed leadership model better enables us to put our values into action. As part of that distributed leadership, we are now looking for a new Executive Director focused on cultivating organizational culture and collaboration.

This leader will join a team of highly dedicated community organizers and social justice advocates, and work in close partnership with a significantly empowered Director Team. They will help APANO facilitate our transition and adoption of the new distributed leadership model, adopted by APANO’s board and staff in December 2020, and work with our team to implement policies and strategic direction set by our board and staff.

Read more about this opportunity in the full job announcement and job description.

We’re looking for someone who’s excited to co-create this leadership model with us, will continue to ground us in transformative justice, intersectionality, will community organizing, shared liberation, and trauma-informed care, and continue our growth and innovation as a social justice organization.

If you know someone who aligns with this vision, please help us spread the word!

If this is an opportunity that resonates with you, check out the last page of the job announcement on how to submit an application.

Applications are due February 9, 2021 at 5pm PST.

For any questions about the role, please reach out to our recruitment consultant, Kathy Kniep, at kathy@kathykniep.com or 503-309-4433.