May 19, 2016

Social Determinants of API Health

By Kristina Narayan
Policy & Research Coordinator

In celebration of Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, APANO is bringing our audience content all month-long, all centered on the theme of Building Power. Each week will see a different topic, all connected by our central theme. This week’s topic: Health Equity.

APANO knows Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities are as diverse as we are connected. One thing that connects us that we call Oregon home and the environment in which we live. Our environment, physical and social, impacts our ability to thrive. How we experience this environment depends on individual indicators of health that vary among our respective communities. These include income, eligibility for assistance, language, access to employment, educational attainment, among many other factors.

Consider this: how do the following factors impact your health? We want to hear about your experience - let us know here.

API Social Determinants of Health2

Icons made by Freepik from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY

Learn more about the different things that affect our health:
Environmental Quality: Air and Water
Built Environment: Housing and Transit
Income & Access to Capital
Community Safety
Family & Social Support


APANO’s work includes health policy and advocacy to make sure our communities have the resources and autonomy to make decisions for their bodies and their health. To support this work, please consider donating to APANO so we can continue our health equity work. As if that was not a good enough reason, as awardees of the Coulter Foundation, all donations to APANO at $100 or more will be matched dollar for dollar- that means you can double your gift and extend its impact!

Want to see what others have created for AAPI Heritage Month? Find a list of our Heritage Month posts here!

Follow APANO during heritage month by using hashtags #APIsBuildingPower and #AAPIHM, and follow us on Facebook or Twitter: @APANONews.