January 23, 2023

Solidarity and grief in the aftermath of the Monterey Park shooting

CW: gun violence


It is with heavy hearts that we share this message of solidarity and deepest condolences with the Monterey Park and greater Asian American communities. What was meant to be a weekend of celebration to ring in the Lunar New Year has instead been one of mourning and confusion.

At APANO, we believe in the inherent value of life, recognizing that each and every individual is worthy of love, respect, and a sense of safety. The tragic events that took place last weekend are counter to all that we believe, and we know the impact on our communities is great.

In 2023 alone, the U.S. has experienced more than 36 mass shootings – more than any year on record. (Source: Gun Violence Archive) Far too many in our communities are injured or killed each and every year. While we await further details around the specifics of the shooting, we know our stance will remain the same: we will continue to care for one another and work to bring an end to these needless tragedies.

Though we are a state away, we are with the families and friends of those lost to this senseless act of gun violence. We are with Oregonians who have been affected by this or other needless acts of brutality. We will heal together as a community and welcome any and all to join us as we work to rid our communities of such violent actions.

If you feel so moved, Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAAJ) Southern California, Stop AAPI Hate, and many more have come together to organize a fundraiser to support victims. All proceeds will go to the many individuals suffering from this senseless violence. Find more information and make a contribution here.

This programming message brought to you by APANO Communities United Fund, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.