February 15, 2016

Take Action Today for Our Families, Our Health

Today, over 100 APANO members are meeting elected officials at the State Capitol in Salem to advocate for Our Families, Our Health campaign priorities as they move through the Legislative Session. We are calling on APANO members statewide to join our efforts by sending a message today.

While Oregon celebrates expanded healthcare coverage, over 383,000 Oregonians remain uninsured. Many of the uninsured are immigrants and low-wage workers, including 19% of all Pacific Islanders. APANO is fighting for increased health access through our member-led, Our Families Our Health Campaign. Leading with the Oregon Health Equity Alliance and the COFA Alliance National Network, we have crafted bipartisan solutions to begin addressing coverage gaps through a Basic Health Plan Blueprint HB 4017 and COFA Healthcare Program HB 4071. These programs will expand coverage, increase benefits and significantly reduce costs for over 85,000 Oregonians. See the Mend The Gap report to learn more.

Both bills have moved out of the House Healthcare Committee and need to be funded through the Ways and Means Committee. They will then need to be passed by the full House and Senate. We have until March 5th.

Will you take 5 minutes to send a message of support for these bills? Click here to let your legislator know you believe in an Oregon where all families have the rights, resources and recognition to thrive!

Jean Yamamoto & Berely Mack
APANO Our Families Our Health Campaign Committee