February 3, 2017

Thank Governor Brown for Standing up for Immigrants, Refugees, and Muslims

On Thursday, February 2, Governor Kate Brown issued an executive order expressing her support for immigrants, refugees, and Muslims in Oregon.

“We will not retreat,” Brown said at a press conference at her office in Salem. "We have heard threats of a Muslim registry at the federal level. I don't know how sincere these threats are, but I want to be absolutely clear: We will not participate."

Brown’s Executive Order effectively does three things:

  1. Solidifies Oregon’s status as a sanctuary state by expanding sanctuary laws to all agencies
  2. Makes it illegal for state agencies to discriminate based on immigration status
  3. Forbids state agencies from using public resources to help create a religious registry

Communities of color are particularly nervous right now, especially if President Trump does issue additional executive orders to target immigrants.

Governor Brown--who this week was called by the New Yorker as “America’s Radical Feminist Governor”--has been a welcome--and inspiring--champion of support for the principles of diversity and inclusion and please write her office to express your gratitude:

Elected officials need to hear from us right now, especially those who are standing up. Contact her office here