March 16, 2015

Thank you for polishing the Jade District with us!

A huge thank you to the 80 volunteers that helped beautify the Jade District and worked on the community garden at Harrison Park last Saturday, March 7th. Volunteers helped build a dozen garden beds, leveled the ping pong area, picked up 20 bags of trash and cleaned up three areas of graffiti. Thank you to local businesses Thai Fresh, for providing lunch for all of our volunteers, and Mocha Express for generously arranging for coffee in the morning.

A special thanks to Mayor Charlie Hales for being there and supporting our communities in our neighborhood.

Be on the look out for our next upcoming event, the annual Rose Parade on Saturday, April 25th from 9:30am - 4:00pm.

If you'd like to get involved with the Jade District, contact Jade District Manager Todd Struble at