March 5, 2015

Trailblazing for API & Women’s Health

APANO is a proud member of the We Are BRAVE Coalition, comprised of organizations and leaders of color committed to reproductive justice, and a broader statewide coalition focused on ensuring equal access to women’s health care. We are proud to announce that Senate Bill 894 has been introduced in the Oregon Legislature, groundbreaking legislation that supports all Oregonians, regardless of their income, geography or type of insurance - have access to safe and affordable reproductive health care.

We believe every Oregon woman should have access to the full range of reproductive health care, starting before she ever becomes pregnant and going through childbirth. This basic right is a foundation of freedom and opportunity for women and their families. The Comprehensive Women’s Health Bill will strengthen Oregon’s position as a national leader on women’s health care:

  • SB 894 updates Oregon’s contraceptive equity law to provide greater access and bring the law in line with the Affordable Care Act. A lack of clarity in the ACA leaves the Oregon Insurance Division without a clear directive on whether carriers must cover the full range of reproductive health services. Without clarity in statute, Oregon is vulnerable to political attacks like we are seeing across the country, where politicians are imposing restrictions and coverage bans that prevent many women from accessing reproductive health care.

  • SB 894 requires that health insurance – whether paid for by individuals, employers or government funds – cover contraception, abortion, prenatal care, childbirth and postpartum care. Expanding access to reproductive health care will have the greatest impact on low-income women, women of color, immigrant women, young women, survivors of domestic violence and transgender people.

  • SB 894 provides access for women to a full 12-month supply of contraception at one time. Dispensing a 1-year supply of birth control is associated with a 30% reduction in the odds of conceiving an unplanned pregnancy compared with dispensing for 30 or 90 days.

You can help ensure the passage of SB 894 by joining the BRAVE and United: Lobby Dayon March 25th 8am to 4pm.Click here to register.

Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon and our partners including:

Oregon Latino Health Coalition
Western States Center
American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon
NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon