May 24, 2017

Updates from the Capitol ????

by Zahir Janmohamed
APANO Policy Director

With the Oregon Legislative Session wrapping up in about six weeks, APANO is proud to announce that the issues we championed have made great strides. We owe a big thanks to you for supporting our work, for showing up to our events, and for championing these issues.

But we are not finished yet and there is still much more we can do to actualize these policy goals. Here are a few legislative updates from the Capitol:

1. Reproductive Health Equity Act (3391): This bill would ensure access to affordable reproductive health care services, including abortion, regardless of gender identity, income, documentation status, and insurance type. This bill is in the Joint Ways and Means Committee, and just had a Senate hearing on Tuesday. Help us keep up the momentum: Tell your legislator all Oregonians need Reproductive Health Equity NOW.

>> Read APANO member, Lena's story about reproductive health access.

2. Stable Homes (HB 2004): This bill would prohibit landlords from terminating month-to-month tenancy without cause after first six months of occupancy except under certain circumstances with 90 days' written notice and payment of amount equal to one month's periodic rent. So far this bill cleared the Housing Committee, passed the House in a vote and is now in the Senate Committee on Human Services. Send a message to your Senator and ask they protect tenants and stabilize housing in Oregon.

3. Ethnic Studies (HB 2845): This bill would direct the Department of Education to convene advisory group to develop statewide ethnic studies standards for adoption into existing statewide social studies standards for public kindergarten through grade 12. So far the bill has cleared the House Education Committee. It is now in the House Ways in Means and we are hoping it will clear out of Way and Means and head for a floor vote in the House. Read PPS student Stephanie Vo-Nguyen's take on why Ethnic Studies matters to her

In addition, APANO has also advocated on other issues in the Oregon State Capitol, including equal pay, paid leave, transportation, children's healthcare, among many others.

Lastly, we have been working closely on the Steering Committee of A Better Oregon to advocate for real long-term revenue solutions. Recently, some of our state legislators showed bold leadership by introducing a plan to raise corporate taxes to make investments in education and other critical services. This is a good first step, but we still have a long way to go. We need to tell our elected leaders it’s outrageous to ask Oregonians to accept deeper cuts while Oregon has one of the lowest corporate taxes in the nation.

To make that clear, APANO is joining with communities of color and working families for our biggest rally, and we hope you can join us. On June 6th, we will rally at the State Capitol to make sure legislators know that Oregon Can’t Wait for more revenue. We’re hoping to mobilize a contingent of 20+ APANO supporters, to join over 1,000 on the steps of the Capitol. Lunch and transportation will be provided. If you can attend, would you please click this RSVP form. We hope to see you there!