August 29, 2013

Visioning with APANO

APANO Policy Committees are hosting visioning sessions this fall. This is an opportunity to welcome/orientate new members to be a part of our leadership, and prioritize the goals and strategies for the upcoming year. Typically our committees meet monthly (dates to be determined) with additional opportunities for training and events. We utilize video conference technology to welcome participation from anyone across the state.

Being a member of APANO committees connects you with experts in the field of public policy, community organizing and leadership development at the state and national level. Current and past members have found serving as an active volunteer leader a rewarding way to grow personally and give back to our Asian and Pacific Islander communities through building a strong movement for social justice in Oregon. It is also a great way to exercise your political muscles, meet new people, and build skills.

Please let us know if you're interested by completing the meeting poll below.

What: APANO Health Equity and Reform Team Visioning Session
Where: Leftbank Building 240 N Broadway Suite 209, Portland OR
When: Wednesday Sept 25th 6:00-9:00 PM

What: APANO Policy Advocacy and Civic Engagement Team Visioning Session
Where: Leftbank Building 240 N Broadway Suite 209, Portland OR
When: Wednesday Oct 2nd 6:00-9:00 PM

What: APANO Education Equity Visioning Session
Where: Portland Area TBA
When: Sept 30, Oct 3 or 7 Click here to select your best date

For more information contact: 971-340-4861