June 30, 2016

Welcome Our VOTE Fellows!

Welcome our VOTE Summer Fellows!

APANO is proud to welcome two VOTE Fellows who will be working to increase civic engagement through voter outreach, training and empowerment this summer. We are working hard this year to engage our communities and increase our visibility this important election year. Our VOTE Fellows will be scoping out opportunities to do voter registration and recruiting volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering this summer, meeting new people, and building power for our communities, please contact us! Send an email to helene[at]apano.org and nista[at]apano.org.



Why did you decide to join APANO as a VOTE Fellow?

I want to be able to meet and engage more people within the Asian/Pacific Islander community to be more involved within their own neighborhoods. Especially when it comes to voting, as the Asian/Pacific Islander community is one of the largest groups within Portland, yet voter engagement is low. This year's election (2016) is one of the most significant election years and many people are abstaining or haven't registered yet to vote. Every vote counts.

What drives you to do social justice work?

My own experiences as well as my family's and friends' experiences drive me to do social justice work. I know that everyone I've met has experienced at least one instance of discrimination. I want to prevent that from happening as well as educate those who don't know about the various struggles that people of color go through.

What song would you use for a lip synch battle?

Flawless by Beyonce because its empowering and I slay~!

Do you have any interesting talents or facts about yourself?

I'm currently a Portland State University student majoring in Health Sciences. I hope to become a Physician's Assistant primarily in the surgical field. In my free time, I participate in the Vietnamese Students Association (VSA) events and also like to draw and paint.



Why did you decide to join APANO as a VOTE Fellow?

I decided to join APANO as a VOTE Fellow because I am aware and concerned about the voting importance and rights of ordinary people, especially marginalized group of people in the US. During my summer break, I wanted to utilize more of my time by dedicating myself in social justice work and spreading awareness in the communities.

What drives you to do social justice work?

My self-awareness of being a woman of color and hearing to the real-life stories of people being discriminated on the basis of their identity drive me to social justice work with an intention to bring changes in our communities.

What song would you use for a lip synch battle?

“Wannabe” by Spice Girls.

Do you have any interesting talents or facts about yourself?

I currently attend Portland Community College (Southeast Campus) and involved in student government. I also have a black belt in Taekwondo and trilingual in Nepali, Bhutanese, and English.