August 11, 2016

Who's Who In 2016 Oregon Politics?

Our Families and Communities Matter All Year Long, During Elections and Beyond!


Civic engagement means getting everyday folks involved in the decisions that affect our families and communities. Asian and Pacific Islander communities have doubled over the last 20 years, and continue to grow as Oregon’s second and third largest racial/ethnic community. API families come from more than 100 different ethnic, cultural, and linguistic groups—we have diverse needs and experiences. Election season is an important time for us to speak up about those needs and experiences, and there are many ways we can all get involved in the process, regardless of our citizenship status or whether we can vote.

That's why we teamed up with Strong Families to bring you a Who's Who in Oregon Politics- this guide explains the kinds of decisions that people in elected positions in the state of Oregon make about issues that impact our daily lives.

To access the guide, click on the image to the left, or click here. While the current version is in English, this document will translated and distributed into 6 different languages.