December 31, 2015

You Helped Us Grow in 2015

“You cannot change any society unless you take responsibility for it, unless you see yourself as belonging to it and responsible for changing it.” - Grace Lee Boggs 1915-2015

To our Members and Supporters,

For the last five years since we became an official 501c3, we have expanded our capacity to organize and advocate. APANO has become a place where our communities can think and act strategically to create policies that better serve our communities and achieve social justice. We strive to be a place that energizes us to be and make the change we seek. Together we have committed to struggle together, to define what justice looks like, and to develop social change strategies that will make a difference in the lives of our members and all Oregonians.

2015 was a strong year for APANO. Here is a list of key highlights from this year:

You, our members and supporters, helped us get here. You, the communities that are directly impacted by the issues of injustice, directed and lead our organizing and advocacy efforts with tremendous force and courage. Thank you for building and sustaining this movement with us for equity and justice for all Oregonians.

In Solidarity,


Joseph Santos-Lyons
Executive Director