Our Work
Learn more about our work in the community below.

Theory of Change
APANO’s Theory of Change defines the impact we aim to make and the individual, institutional and cultural shifts we believe are necessary to bring that change to fruition.

Community Organizing
The core of APANO’s work is building a powerful base of members who create and lead solutions that address real issues in their communities and shift the balance of power.

Leadership Development
APANO aims to grow the analysis, skills and confidence of Asian and Pacific Islanders to improve their lives and achieve social justice for generations to come.

Cultural Work
Cultural Work mobilizes artists, cultural producers and community members to amplify their voices, influence popular narratives and build power.

Small Business Aid
APANO is honored to offer business support and access to resources for the Jade District and Old Town, as well as AAPI business communities throughout Multnomah and Washington County.

Political Advocacy
Elevating issues through community engagement, research, mobilizing voters, and coordinating grassroots advocacy actions to ensure all AAPI have a voice in the policies and decisions that affect their lives.
Want to learn more about our work & how to get involved?