February 15, 2018

A Solar Eclipse of the Heart

by Candace Kita, Cultural Work and Development Coordinator

Astrology for the Solar Eclipse in Aquarius, February 15, 2018

Since when does APANO post horoscopes, you may ask? Well, this is the first one ---and it's because, in addition to being APANO's Cultural Work& Development Coordinator, I am also a fresh-faced and enthusiastic astrology student at the Portland School of Astrology! I'm particularly interested in exploring astrology with an intersectional, liberatory framework for activists and nonprofit folks; I view astrology as an interpretive art, so take what resonates for you and leave behind what doesn't. With no further ado, I humbly present my astrological two cents for the solar eclipse in Aquarius on Thursday, February 15.

Since the sun and moon are planetary bodies that we regularly see, eclipses energize issues surrounding visibility. With the sun, moon, and Mercury all hanging out together in Aquarius, this eclipse is all about how we communicate our needs to our community. The moon calls in individual, subterranean emotions that may have lie hidden in your efforts to support those around you. Maybe some extra annoyances about your org's clinging attachment to the nonprofit industrial complex are flaring up; maybe deep gratitude towards your intern whom you haven't had time to properly acknowledge is surfacing. As it blocks our view to Mercury and the sun, the moon may make these mega-feels very challenging to communicate, because they are both so personal to you AND so looped into the folks around you. Sounds like fun, yeah?

However, no need to fret, fair movement-builders. Like unexpected grant awards and hyper-dependable volunteers, there are some planetary allies that are ready and waiting to help you out. The sun, Mercury, and moon are square to Jupiter in Scorpio, where it's been since November 2017. Jupiter in Scorpio is pushing us to probe all of our darkest secrets without abandon. This ain't an easy placement, but we can definitely use the energy of Jupiter in Scorpio to commit to working through all our s*** with the reminder that the political is personal. (In case you're wondering, my gut tells me that Jupiter in Aquarius would say that the personal is political.) Offering a helpful sextile in this planetary fray, Uranus in Aries asks us to boldly pursue our truths. Even if those truths feel hard to put into words, simply expressing them -- even if they are convoluted and messy -- will lead us towards articulating models of relation that are majorly courageous and freaking revolutionary. This eclipse’s lesson is: keep that leftover Valentine's Day chocolate by your side and ease into some tough love this week.

Did this resonate for you? Email me at candace@apano.org with your thoughts.