February 8, 2021

Black History Month 2021

February is Black History Month. As we fight systemic racism together, we must continuously be aware of the ways that anti-Blackness is present in many non-Black POC. How can we strive for a better future that celebrates Black voices? Below is a list of BIPOC makers, radical thinkers, and doers who can guide and ground us, featuring recommendations by Cultural Work Volunteer Alisa Chen at alisa.chen@apano.org and APANO's Arts & Media Project (AMP) members.


Siblings in Liberation: Black and Asian Feminist Solidarities Launch– Watch the launch of the Black and Asian Feminist Solidarities project, an ongoing commitment to practicing solidarity together, which has found a home on AAWW’s The Margins. Solidarity at its core is about relationships. Featuring remarks and discussion with Jaimee Swift of Black Women Radicals and co-leaders of the Asian American Feminist Collective; a poetry reading by Cecile Afable and Zuri Gordon; a conversation between sex work activists Kate Zen and SX Noir; and reflections and dance party with Dr. Margo Okazawa-Rey (aka DJ MOR Love & Joy). Co-hosted by Black Women Radicals, Asian American Feminist Collective, and Asian American Writers’ Workshop. Recommended by AMP Member Jyothi Natarajan.

Black History is American History– Okalani Dawkins is a passionate Sophomore excited to create a better world through her passion for Civil Rights. In this talk, she highlights the importance of African American societies in America's history past the Civil Rights Movement, and why we need to pay more attention to matters like those as well.

The Dangers of Whitewashing Black History Should white people care about the whitewashing of black history? Most people will likely answer yes to this question, if only because it sounds politically correct to do so. What will hopefully become clear is that whites have as much to lose by whitewashing black history as their African American peers. This talk is given by David Ikard, a Professor of African American and Diaspora Studies at Vanderbilt University.


Microaggression Training in Black History Month– The NAACP Vancouver and Unlimited Creative Corporations have teamed up to offer Microaggression Training in Black History Month to youth and adults. These trainings focus on learning what a microaggression is, how it can destroy companies, why you need to know about them, and how you can help minimize microaggression. The courses will be held on February 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th, with the youth (ages 13-17) courses from 3:00pm-4:00pm and the adult (ages 18+) courses will be held from 4:30pm to 5:30pm. Both will have a 30 minute Q and A afterwards and pricing can be here.


Ijeoma Oluo on ‘Mediocre’– In her new book, Mediocre: The Dangerous Legacy of White Male America, Ijeoma Oluo, author of the best seller So You Want to Talk About Race, looks at how white men in America have preserved their power for generations -- and the consequences that's had for all of us. She argues that overlooking white male mediocrity has helped devalue college education, promoted leadership styles that have hurt business, and prevented progress on major issues like police brutality and gerrymandering.

Black History Year– Learning your history makes you - and your people - stronger. As Black people, we know we’re left out of the history books. That the media images are skewed. That we need access to experts, information and ideas so we can advance our people. Black History Year connects you to the history, thinkers, and activists that are left out of the mainstream conversations. You may not agree with everything you hear, but we’re always working toward one goal: uniting for the best interest of Black people worldwide.

A Code Switch Playlist for Black History Month– NPR’s Code Switch curated this playlist that presents hidden heroes and buried history of Black America.


Our Black History Month Reading List for Asian Americans– Curated by Laura Li for 18 Million Rising this reading list was made in collaboration with Asha Grant, founder of the Black Women’s Library LA, to reflect on how the work of how Asian American movement is deeply inspired and formed by the leadership of the Civil Rights and Black Power movements in the 60s and 70s, as well as the Third World Liberation Front and more.

Black History Month: Needed Now More Than Ever– In this article Peta Lindsay, a teacher and organizer and director of the Ida B. Wells Education Project, details the importance of celebrating Black History Month. Originally published in 2011 and reposted in 2017, Lindsay writes that “until the racist ideology of the ruling class is no longer the dominant ideology, Black History Month will continue to be an important opportunity to instill knowledge and pride in African Americans and to educate and overcome the racist ideas or distorted understanding of Black history that may remain among white workers.”

POC Solidarity is a Myth in the Face of Anti-BlacknessWritten by Jay Austin, this article asks people of color to critically work towards undoing the anti-Blackness that many non-Black people of color have ingrained in themselves. Austin writes that the BLM movement is not about “White vs Black, it should be about everyone vs racism.”

If you have BIPOC art and culture to add to this list or additional resources, please contact Cultural Work Coordinator Roshani Thakore at roshani@apano.org or Cultural Work Volunteer Alisa Chen at alisa.chen@apano.org.

This programming content brought to you by APANO Communities United Fund, a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization.