December 7, 2020

Continue to choose each other in 2021

None of us could have imagined what 2020 would look like.

None of us could have imagined the challenges, the loss, the injustice and outrage, and how difficult it would become simply to breathe. 2020 has looked different for each of us, yet we’ve all carried the collective weight of this year in our bodies, hearts, and spirits.

At APANO, we have focused this year on resilience within ourselves and our communities. Resilience isn’t something that we perfect. Resilience doesn’t mean that we don’t struggle, or that we don’t have terrible days, or that we don’t feel alone sometimes. Resilience is cultivated and practiced. It stems from a deep resolve in each of us that we will get through this — and that we will do it together, even if we’re apart.

That strength, connection, and care that we practice is embodied in an end-of-year poem by APANO Arts & Media Project member Jenny M. Chu and illustrated by Paola De La Cruz. At APANO, we will continue to cultivate that strength, connection, and care in 2021 as we heal, rebuild, and create the future our communities deserve.

It will take all of us working together — will you join us? Please consider making a year-end gift today to support our efforts in 2021.

In 2021, APANO will continue to respond to community needs as we have done throughout this year. We have distributed over $1 million in relief including meals to BIPOC households, gift cards to community members, and grants to API-owned small businesses. We have shared caring packages, healing spaces, and PPE. We have come together virtually through our Resilience Series and East Portland Arts and Literary Festival to be in community, share support and resources, learn about transformative justice, and rise in solidarity with Black communities to end police violence.

Amidst it all, we continue to build the power of Asian and Pacific Islander leaders and communities. We are excited to work in the legislature next year with Khanh Pham, the first Vietnamese American legislator in Oregon, and we applaud courageous campaigns by Jackie Leung in Salem and Cal Mukumoto in Coos Bay. They’ve all shown us what strong, progressive API leadership looks like.

We have shown up for each other in this difficult year, and we will need to do so in 2021 as we recover and reimagine our world. While we understand that giving may be challenging this year, if you are able, please make a year-end gift to help APANO support, mobilize, and nourish our community.

Thank you for joining us in our mission and work in 2021. We wish you a safe and joyous New Year.

In gratitude,

Candace Kita,
Cultural Strategy Director

P.S. Your gift today goes even further, thanks to a generous APANO supporter who is donating $2 to APANO for every $1 you give. Your donation of $20 will be $60. Your $100 gift will become $300. Don't wait to make your gift here!