May 31, 2013

Farewell to Victoria, Sokho and Sandra

We say farewell to several staff who have completed their work with APANO. They made significant contributions to APANO and we will miss them. Please join APANO in wishing them well in their future endeavors!

Sandra Shelly is our Field Organizer who led our healthy kids healthy portland campaign for water fluoridation. She leaves us with a stronger infrastructure to work on ballot measures in 2014 and mentored staff and volunteers in the art of campaigning.

Sokho Eath is our Economic Justice Associate, who represented APANO in the fight for Tuition Equity, Funding for Refugee Services, and Earned Sick Days. Sokho’s passion and professionalism have been a gift for APANO - resulting in stronger partnerships for policy advocacy.

Victoria Demchak, our Policy Coordinator, carried the water for our data collection bill, taking on increasing responsibility to manage our coalition, organize educational opportunities and herd cats to see through successfully HB 2134. Victoria helped us achieve one of our most significant APANO wins that will institutionalize equity and position APANO for future success in the legislature.

Sandra, Sokho and Victoria helped achieve real victories and change for Asian and Pacific Islander communities in Oregon.