October 21, 2014

Jose Antonio Vargas & YES on 88 Rally at PSU

Define American - Jose Antonio Vargas
Thursday, October 23rd 3:30 PM
Portland State University Multicultural Center
228 Smith Memorial Union
RSVP Online - space limited


Join us for an honest, compassionate and challenging conversation about what it means to be “American” in an age of hostility and fear of immigrants.

Jose Antonio Vargas is a Filipino-American. Born in Antipolo in Metro Manila, The Philippines, Jose came to live with his Lola and Lolo (grandparents) in California at age 12. He has not been able to see his mother in over 20 years. “I'm a journalist, filmmaker, and the founder of Define American, a campaign that seeks to elevate the immigration conversation. “

Jose Antonio Vargas was part of the Washington Post team that won the Pulitzer Prize for breaking news covering the 2008 Virginia Tech mass shootings. In 2011 he came out as an undocumented immigrant in the New York Times, and since rededicated his career to elevating and humanizing the national dialogue on immigration.

Sponsored by: PSU Kaibigan, PSU Office of Global Diversity and Inclusion, Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon (APANO) and the Safe Roads Yes on 88 Campaign.

RSVP Online - space limited (FREE EVENT)

For more information and media inquires please conact: Rev. Joseph Santos-Lyons, joseph@apano.org / 971-340-4861