December 15, 2016

What's Next For APANO: Post-Elections

After the November election, APANO has engaged in many discussions and strategy sessions to clarify the changing political landscape and how APANO can best engage. The defeat of Measure 97 means that we face a $1.7 billion budget deficit that will leave many low-income communities and communities of color without basic social services. And since the election of Donald Trump, there has been a spike in the number of incidents of bigotry in the state of Oregon, most of them directed at people of color. The new Trump administration might have devastating impacts on API communities and communities of color, including: increased deportations, major cuts to social programs and environmental protection, as well a proposed mandatory US government registry for Muslim Americans.

In this context, APANO will continue to advance our APANO Strategic Plan, increasing our community organizing and the development of organizers, building out a statewide engagement structure, and strategic partnerships. In addition, we’ll also be focusing on:

  • Creating space for healing and self-defense
  • Launching "Roots to Rise" APANO's $2 million dollar capital campaign for a new community cultural center. Convening conversations with APANO members, organizing groups
  • Joining public actions, vigils, forums, etc. such as the January 14 United for Immigrant Rights March and Rally and APANO Day of Action on February 20
  • Deepening API member political analysis of issues affecting our communities through workshops, trainings, and our new Organizing Fellowship Program

  • Adjusting our state policy agenda and building federal advocacy capacity
  • Reconsidering our policy advocacy, specifically Basic Health Plan--through the new analysis of our political landscape
  • Refreshing and strengthening relationships with national networks and providing assistance where necessary to provide input on how Trump’s picks will affect communities of color in Oregon.
  • Increasing our priority to participate in conversations with national API orgs and movement-building partners.

  • Anchoring Oregon multiracial movement building
  • Taking a leadership role in "One Oregon" executive committee and coalition building, challenge bad ballot measures, long-term public education campaign (Read more about One Oregon here)
  • Pro-active Racial Equity Agenda and Report Card through Coalition of Communities of Color and workgroup
  • Building our 501c4 and capacity to win elections, elect candidates who share our values, increase our political influence and achieve better public policy

We hope you can join us and plug in as we continue working toward a just world in this political landscape. As always, please don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions or want to connect about any of the steps listed above.