4th Annual East Portland Arts & Literary Festival
Date: 2020
Location: Online
Collaborators: Asian American Feminist Collective, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, Orchards of 82nd Artists-in-Residence (Sabina Haque, Nikki Acevedo, Cary Miga, Myra Aldan, Roshani Thakore, and Felecia Graham), UtopiaPDX, The Kennedy Center, Ka Lei Hali’a O Ka Lokelani, Kevin Lionga Aipopo, and Simeon Jacob & Isamo Manuel Jr.
We have been wrestling with what the East Portland Arts & Literary Festival (EPALF) should look like this year. Should we go forth with the festival as usual? Does it need a different format? How can we inspire our communities to keep going?
After months of musings and conversations, we decided to transform our 4th annual EPALF into a humble offering focused on resilience, care, and transformation. We hope that EPALF 2020 can provide moments of nourishment in our ongoing efforts to renew, heal, and strengthen our capacities to tend to ourselves and each other in light of an uncertain future.
Check out the recordings of the festival here.